More a Play than Blondie Comedy
10 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Like the actor/playwright Hans Conreid and his character George (later "Uncle George" even by Blondie), this whole outing belongs on the stage. It is very talky, plotty, and almost none of the visual humor (such as mailmen getting tackled, dogs stealing food and hiding items, the kids dropping fruit from the stairs on the "bad guy", and Blondie comedically mistaking innocent situations by Dagwood).

And it is wonderful. If you are in the mood for good acting, including a believable tirade and directive aimed at the serious Uncle George character by Penny Singleton, as well as her tender singing of a lullaby to her new baby Cookie, with whom she hasn't been able to spend a quiet moment since returning from the hospital. In addition Dagwood's attempted explanation of babies and storks to Baby Dumpling and Alvin is funny and family friendly. Mary Wickes has some funny bits as an extremely tough maid hired by Uncle George whom Blondie figures out immediately has no money to pay her.

This film actually has a final brief scene featuring only Baby Dumpling, whereas many just "end". "Blondie's Blessed Event" will definitely not please those expecting more of a standard Blondie film, but I thought it made for an excellent "serious" and engaging family comedy.
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