Margaux (2022)
Mar-go away!
11 September 2022
Someone saw the episode of 'The Simpsons' where the Ultrahouse 3000, played by Pierce Brosnan, turns evil...and tries to kill everyone.

This is just that, ramped up to 100, in movie form...but ironically, The Simpsons' episode was only 20 minutes long, but it was still way better than this.

This had no real storyline, or character development. Full of clichés. Mediocre acting and TERRIBLE cgi!

It could almost be classed as a comedy. Awful pacing...and a horrible ending.

It did have some awesome kill scenes though!

Really starting to get annoyed with this new 600-character minimum that IMDB has implemented recently.

So even when a film has absolutely nothing worthy of talking about, we still have to stretch a review to fit the limit. Counter-productive in my it means that a lot of reviews will be full of gibberish, just to get the numbers up!
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