Dolemite (1975)
Ignore the usual cliche, this is so bad it's AWFUL!
11 September 2022
So many clowns think they're being hip by claiming this steaming loaf I was intended to be bad, and over-the-top, and funny, and silly. Not a chance. This vomitfest is a complete loser that was intended to be taken seriously. But it has the production values of an elementary school musical, the cast had the acting skills one might see in an Army film about sexually transmitted diseases and there is a plot to match. This movie is just plain stupid. It doesn't compare with other movies of the same genre, the name of which I won't repeat because it's also an overused cliche. This is just awful slop on EVERY level.

Apparently it's fun for some deluded, "rat-soup-eating" morons to try to convince themselves and others that this movie is a classic of some sorts. But anyone who tries to claim that Rudy Ray Moore has "charisma" or talent is delusional. The guy is totally useless, but I will say his wardrobe in this movie was pretty great. Everything about the rest of him, though, is laughable. He's fat, obviously slow-witted, and ugly. He always looks half asleep. He pulls his pants up so high on his huge belly that his sagging man breasts rest on his belt, and he moves with all the grace and speed of a garden slug. He even has hips like a pregnant woman. And he can barely lift his chubby leg high enough to get his foot off the ground, but we're supposed to buy this geek as a martial arts expert?

Apparently Moore gets blamed/credited by fawning fanboys for being an early developer of rap, but all he really does is sleepily recite some terrible, almost-rhyming, idiotic stories about a black survivor who was too cool to go down with the Titanic, and one about a monkey beefing with a lion. Even if Moore had any talent for the spoken word, the "poetry" is so lame and tedious it wouldn't have mattered.

And the rest of the cast is equally as bad. There's not a single professional in the dozens of performers in this thing. Everybody delivers their lines with monotone difficulty, as if reading from crib notes written on their palms, but this actually would have helped them not to look directly into the camera.

As for the nudity, there's NOBODY in this schlockfeast worth seeing naked. The only time I laughed was when the schlubby, oily little white guy who plays the crooked mayor gets into a nude fight scene after an orgy goes bad. That was pointless but entertaining, though not in the angry, social-justice way the alleged filmmakers intended. I cringed when the actor who played the FBI agent stumbled over his lines, as he obviously forgot them but there wasn't money in the low budget to do a second take. He should have written his lines on his hand.

Don't waste your time trying to find anything redeeming in this junk. All the rave reviews have been left by mean-spirited trolls who are only trying to get under your skin by inducing you to waste more than an hour of your life trying to figure out how this drivel ever got made.
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