12 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's a nice day on Melona IV. Wil Riker, the lucky dog has got himself a date, even if Carmen only has a tent. Weird crystal thing in the sky has other ideas. Of course, lets make for the nearest cave. Carmen stops to help an elderly man.

You would think they would have found an alternative way out before they blocked off the cave entrance. That green and pleasant land is no more.

The Crystalline Entity is no newcomer to the crew. This was the same Crystalline Entity that devastated Omicron Theta at Lore's behest. As a consequence, the woman scientist appointed to research the attack on Melona IV arrives with a personal dislike of Data.

An episode that starts well, stumbles a little, struts and then fails to fall.

Four episodes in to season five, and although this is not the strongest episode so far, it is certainly to be highly regarded. Motherly regrets have rendered the original outline of this story, secondary to the mothers-love aspects of the story and that has taken it away from where it could have been so much better. Maybe too much of a goodnight John-Boy feel to it.

Still, they cannot all be the best of season.

NB. Personally, I think Doctor Marr did the right thing. Why would you want to talk to an entity that has destroyed entire worlds and killed millions? Even if Captain Picard did manage to communicate with the entity, there is no guarantee that it wouldn't be hostile. Picard referenced the Great Whale to try and justify his wishes to communicate, yet he could just as likely be dealing with a shark.

This Episodes Clue: Bertolt.
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