Cobra Kai: Downward Spiral (2022)
Season 5, Episode 4
Cheap Filler Episode
13 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Episode 4 starts out with Carmen - a nurse who's never at work - entering her apartment and in a throwback to the original 'Karate Kid' she replicates the same faucet problem that Daniel-San experienced.

Oh, not another fantasy of Johnny's lust for Miguel's mom? You've got to be kidding me, a 'Top Gun' reference? What next - are the students of Eagle Fang gonna become Scientology members?

Since season 4 was mostly hogged by the kids' side of the story, season 5 is sort of writing their roles out cheaply & short this time and focusing more on the adults prospective. The members of Miyagi-Do Karate were disbanded in episode one as Daniel-San closed it down. They're out of the picture easy. Johnny's ex wants to take Robby camping as an easy way of writing his character out. Barnes was cheaply written out in this episode with a stroke of the writer's pen that he's in hiding and no one knows where he is. Even Tory, and Cobra Kai, have hardly been in the first few episodes.

But, speak of the devil and the kids show up at this waterslide fun park now.

Miguel's gone back to being a dork in his miniscule role in this episode. What happened to that confident #1 student from season 2?

Not much doing in this episode. They've taken the foot off the pedal after an excellent ending to episode 3 which literally turned up the heat.

Daniel-San's invited to Silver's house for a charity event, and once again, it's a small world.

Unbelievable, episode 4 has lost momentum off the back of episode 3's brilliant build-up. Talk about a comedown. They're giving the viewer breathing space here after you held your breath all the way through episode 3. This is disappointing. It's like a speed hump in the road slowing you down.

Silver chips away at Amanda. You can see her buying into his deception as he's such a charming smooth talker. Silly girl, read between the lines.

Johnny gets a job as an Uber driver. This scene is hilarious. Some chick requests him to play Billie Eillish so he pops on Billy Idol instead then takes a leak in a beer can, which is public exposure, and should have resulted in him sharing a cell with Kreese in the clink. You know, in the original 'Karate Kid' Johnny wasn't this clumsy and daffy.

The charity event pomp is killing all momentum! (Is this how the other half live?) Would you listen to all the bile coming out of Silver's mouth! He never quits. He's a thinking man's man.

Silver bids on Daniel-San's rare "Devil's Cauldron" bonsai plants and wins, so Daniel-San makes a scene, and embarrasses himself, and knocks Silver to the ground in front of all the shocked attendees reducing Amanda to tears.

Elsewhere, a silly slippery dip slide challenge, at a water park, sees Hawk and Tory battle for territory. This is just fluffy 'The Go-Go's' Our Lips are Sealed stuff.

Oh man! Point - viewer!

Viewer - 1. 'Cobra Kai' season 5, episode 4 - nil.

This water slide scene at the 26:38-minute mark ain't fooling no one!

Both Tory, and Hawk, are holding GoPro cudgel sticks while filming themselves going down the slide. (Is this a Dani 702 YouTube video?) That's so cheap, man! Low blow, 'Cobra Kai' season 5, episode 4!

As a viewer, I don't like to be offended! You've insulted my honor, 'Cobra Kai' season 5, episode 4.

At the end, Amanda sides with Silver's charm. Yeah, he wins her over and continues to chip away at her.

He plants the seed in Daniel-San, and his wife, and now they're infected and turn on each other at full decibel's ending with Amanda threatening to leave Daniel-San, which is a classic soap opera ending.

Didn't Daniel-San already lose the affection of Amanda in season 4 where they had to patch things up over fine food and wine in the back of that limousine? We've already been down that path.

You're starting to offend my honor again, 'Cobra Kai.'

This episode sort of crashes and burns. Which is a shame.

And since 'Cobra Kai' is turning all soap opera-esque it should be included in all those soap magazines you see on the rack at the stores. Or better yet, how 'bout the cast of 'Bold and The Beautiful' appear at the end of season 6 where they have a mashup between all of them and the karate kids? That'd be boss.

I would like to see Robby tango with Mr. Silver.

But, Bill Spencer versus Mike Barnes would be even better.

Lift your game, 'Cobra Kai.'
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