Special Branch: The Promised Land (1969)
Season 1, Episode 3
Not such a good episode. First two far better.
13 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
**Does contain Spoilers** **Does contain Spoilers**.

Bit of a boring episode with names banded about that I soon couldn't keep track of who they were. The 'Mind Your language' guy really over acting in this, by way of his desperate bodily movements Just how did he ever get away from the beach lugging a suitcase around?. Not likely was it.

The Police chasing guy just giving up, like he had something more important to do back on the beach. The land Rover guy just SITTING in the vehicle, maybe wanted to go back for a chat with him.

This episode didn't really go anywhere did it, WHY would people be so helpful in firstly hiding the illegal alien then others transporting the scruffy immigrant, and even eating their sandwiches?.

Compared to the 2 previous episodes, which surprisingly the 2nd even followed on from the first, THIS episode was a dud.

Good initial episode, well scripted with proper dialogue though this one even with its guest star, who was good to see in it did nothing much for me. A Blake's Seven guest star in episode 2 as well in a commanding performance, how they all cut their bones in this TV series then.

I'd sooner get on to the more grittier George Sewell episodes, a great believable actor he was, but will likely stick with it to see how it progressed to his era.

Even breaks into COLOUR from episode 9 onwards, (Sole EDIT: just found out from episode 10), and I hear from season 3 onwards was filmed in 16mm, so possibly a better picture if copies can be tweaked up with Ai software.

Nvidia Shield TV Pro's are supposed to picture enhance streamed content from Youtube & places, so it may not be beyond someones ability to upload an episode from whatever source obtained, hard drive or DVD, to a private part of a youtube account seen by no one, so not as to break copyright laws. That Youtube will likely not like.

THEN download it through the Nvidia Shield via the Nvidia AI enhancement part and see it in better pic quality. (It I hear not being able to do it directly off of existing material on hard drives & DVD's).

A bit of a nice dodge if it works, just waiting for a new long awaited 2022 or 2023 Shield TV Pro version to try it out.

Until then even this Special Branch 625 lines TV pic quality is not too shabby to watch. All part of the now 53 year old TV show and its technology at the time.

All a bit stuffy at the moment but it is likely to get better. Still finding their feet with the series. A big part of UK TV history a precursor to the Sweeney as we know but stands up in its own right.
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