Fans of no budget, creative film making will enjoy.
13 September 2022
This no-budget genre rollercoaster starts out as a futuristic heist movie, then turns into a space opera, then becomes an isolated man survival story and finally resolves into a post apocalyptic road movie. And there's stop motion aliens.


The first half was a tough watch.. it feels like a student film that they are taking way too seriously and yet simultaneously don't realize it's not as funny as they think it is. Only the Hero character seems to have ANY acting experience.

In the second half they seem to finally find the tone of their 'so bad it's good' movie and we get incredible dialogue such as: 'prison... it's not the character building experience they advertise' and my favorite: 'Oscar Wilde... for a fag he had some good ideas.'

Along the way we meet a Zach Galafianakis style stoner woodsman and a Tom Savini biker lookalike.

Recommended for only fans of creative film making with NO budget, ala Miami Connection or Dark Star.
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