Chilling story of a remorseless serial killer!!
15 September 2022
#sanjuzzreviews #indianpredator #netflixindia

This series is a documentary based on true events in the early 2000's.

A journalist mysteriously disappears during the MahaKumbh festival. The police conduct a thorough investigation and a suspect is identified & apprehended by the police.

He admits to the crime & the case is about to be closed. A routine search for the firearm conducted at the accused's farm house leads police to his diary which has 13 other names in addition to the journalist's. This is just the start as skeletons tumble out of the closet (literally) with a link to serial killing & cannibalism (yuck).

The series gives perspectives from both investigators as well as the killers side.

Dark and chilling!! Decent one time watch!!

Enjoy & let me know if you enjoyed them ..adios 🙂!!
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