Review of Mat Kilau

Mat Kilau (2022)
A very overrated movie by the locals.
16 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The movie didn't even have a decent storyline to begin with. There's no realism for example a man bare handedly defeated six guys with rifles is just totally childish and ridiculous writing. And how the bullets never land on them except for that one time in the ending where they didn't got killed when they ran recklessly towards an army with cannons(the cannonballs just magically teleported behind them). And how there's always some bad guys in the background with rifle just stand there without shotting. The inconsistency of the story when awang make a deal with british and break it that night making the deal made by him to conceal their intentions seem worthless. The beautifully prepared sets being wasted over bad cinematography. Talented actors being wasted over bad script. Time that could had been use for character development are wasted over a long meaningless fight scene. Make me feel nothing when the pregnant wife got killed as she is soo underdeveloped to make me care about the character at all. Beside good choreography of fighting this movie is lacked of emotion, plot, character development, good writing and even have no beautifully shot scene.
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