Cobra Kai: Head of the Snake (2022)
Season 5, Episode 10
I swear....
17 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show goes against everything I stand for when it comes to entertainment! It's cheesy, unreal, inane, moronic, stupid, senseless, brainless, mindless, imbecilic, asinine, ludicrous, absurd, cretinous, preposterous, daft, and so on. Seriously, this show is so ridiculous that I cannot fathom this true fact: I......LOVE.....THIS......SHOW!!!!!

While it truly lives up to every adjective I used above, the show is so entertaining and fun to watch that I can blaze through a season without even thinking about it.

So the end of this episode which I was thinking that this was going to be the end of the series because everything was just coming up roses for everyone and I was not happy with it. It would have been such a weak. Pathetic and lazy ending it would have ruined the entire show for me. But.................

Kreese comes through. KREESE COMES THROUGH!!!!

I cannot wait for the next season!
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