Please Don't Search This Movie Out
19 September 2022
So let me just get this right out in the air, I'm a huge Jimmy ScreamerClauz fan! I really love this man's style of off the wall psychedelic nightmare fuel movies. I think it's some of the darkest and most surreal animations I've ever seen. So mind you this is coming from a fan here. This movie is really bad!! And I'm not trying to be too negative about it but the story is atrocious! The acting is mostly bad. This movie just feels real amateur hour. It mostly resembles a high school kids class video project. But the place where this shines above where its mostly unwatchable is in Jimmy ScreamerClauz's effects. They really do elevate the this production, making it feel like more than just a crap z-movie (which this is) . Some of the stuff, while primitive still looks pretty impressive. Which is really the one saving grace for this movie.

Now I can see why he hasn't tried to release this again because it's definitely not good. And I've even asked myself could this movie be better completely animated in his style? Absolutely not! The story is just horrendous! Like there's good aspects to it, and there is a better movie hiding here. But it gets ridiculous quick with way too many stories going on. Unfortunately most of the stories detract from the one interesting story that's going on with the lead character. It's funny because you can see small things in this movie that seems to be themes in his latter movies that are done way better.

Besides this movie being a novelty for completionist there's really no reason to watch this. Watch his newer stuff and just pretend like he does, that this movie doesn't exist.
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