Vikrant Rona (2022)
Beautiful Location
19 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Anup Bhandari's dark fantasy adventure is a brave attempt. It's atmospheric as well. Not many Indian films have dared to dabble in this genre before. However, the director struggles to find a direction and specificity to his story. It starts off like a children's fable, then moves to being a supernatural-horror thriller, then a mystery, and a western. It tries to be a lot of things. The story lacks a proper timeline as well. The first half wanders aimlessly and drags on forever with no character or story development.

Postives -

One of the biggest assets of the film is the production values which are amazing. The setup and world created look quite intriguing and create a tense atmosphere for the viewer. The camerawork showcasing the forest visuals and arresting BGM is the backbone of the film. The director has created a new world to narrate a suspense drama and the VFX also plays a major role and it looks superb.

Sudeep is one more major asset as his performance is stunning. He looks super fit and did great action during the climax. Jacqueline Fernandez plays a cameo and she is cute in the Rakamma song. The supporting cast also did well in their respective roles.

Negatives -

One of the biggest drawbacks of the film is the excess length. The film needs to be trimmed for at least fifteen minutes straight and one song can be chopped off to make the viewing experience better. The love track and the way Sudeep investigates the case look confusing and bore the audience.

The screenplay for suspense-based films needs to be gripping but that is not the case here. In key areas, it is very good but for the rest of the scenes, there is a lag created and sidelines the film after a while.
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