19 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Earth... that little blue dot. We're visiting with Wesley at Starfleet Academy. Okay, lets not give up on it yet.

Apparently, Wesley's squadron was practicing on the academy flight range near Saturn. Close formation, collision, emergency transport, one of the cadets didn't make it. One of Wesley's friends... Of course, there will have to be an investigation.

There are bound to be regrets, self-recrimination, pointed fingers. Something doesn't add up.

We finally get to meet Boothby who is a good egg, a man you can respect. A man who knows things.

A very good story and a great idea. We, the viewer get an insight into life within the academy.

We get front row seats at the inquiry. One or two of the cadets seem to be hedging. A close examination of how peer pressure can influence ones perceptions, especially when you are encouraged to develop a team mentality.

Follow the leader and obey orders

Lets be clear. You don't want to be guilty of any kind of stella tom-foolery when you have Picard, La Forge and Data analysing the evidence. It would be like Columbo turning up at the murder scene. You might as well fess-all.

This is possibly one of the best TNG stories. Was this a deliberate attempt to smudge Wesley Crusher's squeaky clean image? "It is far braver thing you do, than you have ever done..."

This Episodes Clue: Tom Paris.
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