Nightalk (2022)
Just nope
19 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We watched it at TIFF and let me tell you, what a disaster of a movie. It was so bad that a handful of people walked out in the middle!

Acting: You could TELL they were acting. It didn't seem like they were committed to their characters so it felt fake and unnatural. Art Hindle did seem the most natural, though.

Plot: A detective joins a phone sex app to solve a crime and falls in love. Throughout, she pleasures herself a few times with a shallow story told by one of the users she later falls in love with. The whole pleasure scenes and the end sex scene were completely unnecessary and straight-up bad. Seriously, what was up with those flashing lights?! It all felt forced.

There were also several goofs throughout the film, for example, half the time the detective was talking to a home screen.

Lower your expectations and, who knows, you might enjoy the film, but for us, it was a big no.
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