Review of Americana

Americana (1981)
Wish I hadn't trusted these reviews
20 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I usually put a fair amount of stock in the star ratings of tiny films like this. The people who watch these and rate them are generally film lovers, and as a lover of small films I tend to gravitate toward ones like this. However, this time you guys really let me down. I have seen high school 8 mm films that were better directed, had better sound, better acting, and better stories than this. It was a total waste of 90 minutes of my life.

First, I'd estimate maybe 30% of the dialogue was clearly audible. This is probably just as well as the ridiculous script made little sense, and the actors made Ed Wood's worst movies look like blockbuster classics. No motivation is shown or given for almost anything Carradine's character does. Random scenes are thrown together with no sense of flow. And the final scene vaporizes the one interesting plot line in the entire film, the drifter's abhorrence of violence, in a completely senseless and shocking killing of a dog.

I hope I can save you the agony of watching this abomination. You're welcome.
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