Creepy pathology
20 September 2022
Continuing on from the promise shown in the previous episode "Devil's Dissections", the potential that "Criminal Pathology" had wasn't small. Gregory Yates was a very memorable character, as was Carl Rudnick when his true colours were revealed, though on the whole they were better than the overall quality of their episodes this season. "Devil's Dissectios" was a very good start and memories of "Criminal Pathology" were also positive, despite the story being flawed.

Didn't find this episode as good and it is not one of the best episodes of Season 17, and it actually had potential to be with such an unsettling idea. It is also not one of the season's worst, as said before the season was not a consistent one but no episode was terrible and there was nothing on the same level of bad as "Intimidation Game" from the previous season. There is a lot of good, but "Criminal Pathology" is an example of an episode that started a lot more strongly than it finished.

Am going to start with the good. The production values are slick, gritty and professional. The music is haunting while not spelling out the emotions too much. The direction has enough momentum while not rushing. The script always intrigues and has enough tautness as well. The regular acting is all fine, particularly from Kelli Giddish and Peter Scanavino, who have great chemistry together.

Jefferson Mays and particularly Dallas Roberts, once again showing his expertise at playing creepy, are suitably unsettling as Rudnick and Yates. The story on the whole has not lost its creepiness or tension, especially in the first half which is tighter in pace and has more atmosphere.

In my view, the latter portions weren't quite as good. It did get too predictable, with the truth being too obvious too early, and is at times unrealistic such as the road trip (primarily with lunch, which was like stepping temporarily into an alternate reality universe). The ending is far too coincidental.

Fin again is under-utilised, don't see why they have him on the show if he is not going to get much to do.

Overall, pretty solid episode though not great. 7/10.
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