Unsettlement in the community
20 September 2022
Anybody who has read any of my other reviews for for example individual episodes of the 'Law and Order' shows, am slowly working my way through writing reviews for all the episodes of 'Law and Order, 'Special Victims Unit' and a couple of the lesser known shows later with a long way to go, will know already how much admiration there is from me for anything that tackles difficult and controversial themes and issues. The topic here did sound interesting and quite brave.

It is unfortunately an interesting and relevant topic, that is brave too, that could have been handled a good deal better in "Community Policing". After such a great previous episode in "Institutional Fail", this was a disappointment. Not quite one of the worst episodes of Season 17, but it is towards the lesser end and the season's first disappointment. Really liked the idea, but the execution just wasn't there on the whole. Or at least it wasn't consistent.

"Community Policing" does have good things. The photography and such as usual are fully professional, the slickness still remaining. The music is used sparingly and is haunting and non-overwrought when it is used, and it's mainly used when a crucial revelation or plot development is revealed.

The best thing about it is Raul Esparza, Barba is not in his comfort zone with this case but the usual authority and sass are present and Esparza embodies all that. Mariska Hargitay fares strongly too and Olivia is steely while still being in character. The acting is above average and nobody comes off badly, but only Esparza reaches brilliance in my view.

However, the story could have been handled a lot better than it was. The topic is a very good one, the problem is that it is not delved into anywhere near enough, being too on the surface without ever going underneath that or providing much insightful. It is very rushed from trying to cram in too much, which makes the story lose clarity and coherence at times as well. Also found it very heavy handed and one sided, it's too obvious what side of the issues the writers are on while not doing much with the other side of the argument.

Furthermore, the ending felt very tacked on and abrupt and there are no surprises or tension, and this is a case that did need quite a lot of the latter. Everything is foreseeable well before it happens, apart from one part and not for the better. The Rollins reveal comes over as really awkward and out of the blue (due to not seeing the relationship in question in that way beforehand). Really didn't like either how Fin and Carisi were too much like underused window dressing and the script could have been a good deal tighter.

Overall, could have been a lot better. 5/10.
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