agreeable comedy
21 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A professional reporter crosses paths with a blonde stranger who owns a well-trained doberman pinscher. By mistake, he accuses her of committing a robbery in a pub, by using the dog as a weapon. This picturesque incident soon captures the imagination of the city. In fact the "crime" was nothing but an unfunny April fool joke thought up by somebody else...

"It shouldn't happen to a dog" is a breezy comedy, notable mainly for the presence of a superbly trained doberman pinscher which becomes the target for all kinds of crackpot schemes and legends. It deals with one of the classic themes in noir and crime movies, to wit the dogged, experienced reporter hot on the trail of local gangsters. But it's all played for laughs. The movie also contains a fair quota of one-liners and wisecracks, about topics as diverse as newsgathering, policing, nuclear energy and mathematics. ("I only passed first year algebra because the kid in front of me wrote big" - you and me both pal, you and me both.)

Even though the movie ends well for all the innocents involved, dog lovers will shake their head in dismay at the idea of somebody kidnapping another person's pet dog just because this was temporarily convenient.

Have you noticed how many American movies feature cab drivers willing to "Follow that car !" without a moment's hesitation ? I rather think that most real-life cab drivers would refuse to do so, out of fear of getting dragged into some quarrel or crime.
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