Review of Quantum Love

Quantum Love (2014)
A good idea spoiled by bad acting and miscasting
21 September 2022
Cluzet is definitely an error of casting in this movie. Totally unconvincing, physically inappropriate, made a fool of himself. Sophie Marceau is enchanting and compensates somehow, but the movie is too shallow and pretentious. It's a shame, because the idea was not so bad: a man meets a woman, love at first sight, can't forget each other, push it almost to the limit, but ultimately there is too much at stake and sex would set them into a path with no return, jeopardizing everything around. They have the strength to stop, backpaddle, leave what might have been a beautiful thing unspoiled to eternity.

Ok, but not with these actors, under this direction, going from cliché-to-cliché in an unconvincingly shallow movie.
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