well if you like porn...
22 September 2022
Then you will surtainly like this for the social media driven audiences allround the world, the production drivelling their fangs into peoples misery and fortune, a story about wannabe stars becoming crawling under the skin on the real superstars of hollywood, stealing clean every doug and x-med, purses and jewelry, clothes and personality, leaving the crime scenes in such an obvious rude way, but when the end comes and the bails are flying higher and higher and the ratting out on eachother reaches an ever convulsing climax of hate and bitterness...

...then this series will suit you , as well as me the grumpy old man, who writes film and tvserie reviews like im into E. Or slaves for TMZ. Its true crime documented, the culprits memoires are recorded in persona, and its verified by the justice league of california... its true and its entertainment for all its worth so take it for what it is...just note that im still pretty independent a reviewer...cause im old...and grumpy , but i fancied the nerves of these daredeviling snatchsnitchers.
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