Visual Treat only. Good Concept ruined
23 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Astraverse could be a path breaking concept in Bollywood just like X-Man or Avengers, but it was ruined by bad script.

Brahmastra is the supreme Astra but can be controlled by Dev and then Shiva. What the hell? It is like Missile can be controlled by a Gun.

Instead, the writer could have shown that 3 pieces are hidden since start and whoever would unite the pieces will become the unbeatable and the most powerful.

In the film It is said that if 3 pieces of Brahmastra are stick together, it will destroy the earth, but The same movie tells the audience that somewhere 30 years ago Brahmastra was in one piece and Shiva's mother broke it in 3 pieces while fighting with Dev. What Crap is this? Who wrote such loose script.

Unnecessary romance and poorly written dialogues were also disappointing.

VFX is the best thing but that also felt repetitive towards the end of the movie.

As always, Bollywood fails to deliver the SCI FI and ruined it.
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