The Batman (2022)
A tragic story of a villain
25 September 2022
The batman (2022) was a great movie. However, It's important to note that it is not a regular super hero movie. Both the villain and the hero are realistic and we can see or even relate to the riddlers motives. We can also see two sides of batman. While fighting crime he looks strong, almost superhuman, and even though he gets hit a lot he seems to not feel the impact of the punch or even a bullet, and when we see bruce he is a weak and broken man, constantly pushing away those close to him. We can notice the same thing about the riddler. While masked he is scary, strong, almost a monster who doesn't care for anyone and anything, but when unmasked we see all of his pain. He looks both sad and happy at the same time. When we see this genius in that state we are wondering if this is really him. The only mistake he made is that he idolised batman too much. He thought that he will be the first person to understand him. The story of this man is really tragic. From the moment he was born to the end he suffers.
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