Not too bad, could've been way worse
25 September 2022
Trying to keep their affair a secret, a woman and her lover inadvertently witness a family of freaks capturing a traveler and dragging him into their house which soon causes them to end up blackmailing the family into helping get rid of her husband only for a deadly complication to disrupt their deal.

This wasn't too bad and had a lot to like about. One of the better elements here is the completely original story that had hardly been seen in horror films offering a perverted take on the type of story featured here. The main idea of the family operating in town with numerous people aware of something off about them but not knowing what until the sleazy resident uncovers the truth and blackmails them into doing what he wants serves this one well enough with the type of familiar setup that allows for a rather nice grounding that allows the more deviant nature to arrive here. It's not just the type of characters permeating this one but also the way they go about trying to outdo the other group of individuals which ensures that the atmosphere here is pretty grimy. There's also quite a lot to like with the film's amount of cheesy elements featured throughout here. Even though there weren't a whole lot of special effects in the film, the ones that are featured here seem pretty realistic, with the giant head of the family being plausibly done and looking like something that could exist, the designs of the freaks that they keep in the basement are very creepy and look threatening upon first glance, and the finale offering the demented showcase the expensive setting that's all quite fun to see here. The real asset, or assets, to this film is the amount of nudity in the film which centers on the main lead. Not only is she a good-looking actress, but she also went topless three times in the film, including several for long periods of time including three more instances of full nudity. These were the main positives to like here. There are a few big issues that hold this one back. The main issue here is that, despite the setup providing this with a generally sleazy and cheesy atmosphere, this one never really goes for a genre atmosphere. For a horror film, you need something dark and macabre to happen which doesn't happen at all. This film has no jumps, shocks, or even jolts with how everything transpires and the whole thing ends up feeling like a low-rent crime drama rather than a true genre effort as a result. Since there are backstabbings, an affair, a femme fatale conspiring for money, and devious deals with low-rent characters, the tone and feel is quite a bit away from the tone of what would be expected here as without the nudity the film would be just a drag. Alongside the low-budget look, these are what hold it back.

Rated R: Full Nudity, Several Sex Scenes, Violence, and Graphic Language.
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