A Lump of Coal is the Only Present for This...
26 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm in such shock...perhaps "numb" is the fitting word to apply...that I don't know where to begin. This would be laughably bad if it weren't for the incredible disappointment that this flick brought. The character of Jack Frost consists principally of a rubber Halloween mask (the mouth of which does not move when he speaks...although the mask itself is impressive) and 2 "frosty" hands (gloves that are unwieldy and inflexible at best). The acting and direction is I suppose passible, but the script and action (and lack thereof) is so bad that if the acting was terrible one wouldn't notice. If you're looking for entertainment, real entertainment that engages you and makes you glad to be a participant in the experience of watching a movie, this IS NOT what you want. Please, find something else to do.
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