Review of A Higher Law

A Higher Law (2021)
A film that makes you think of French cinema
26 September 2022
A film that makes you think of French cinema. Alexandru Papadopol was well chosen for the role of the priest. His physique and the level of his performance help the character a lot. I never liked this actor and I don't like priests in general, so for me this role is a very pleasant and unexpected surprise. Alexandru Papadopol plays his part well until the end, being very credible. Mãlina Manovici is a sensual, expressive actress who conveys a lot, knowing how to hide a girl full of carnal desires under an angelic face. There would be a lot to say about the subject matter of the film, but that's another topic. In conclusion, a well-made film, along with Neidentificat (2020).
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