Entertaining, but needs to be believable
27 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I like the premise of this show. Narcos, gangster, rivalry, spy. All the ingredients of my favourite shows like Narcos, El-Chapo, Breaking Bad, etc. The story is entertaining and gripping that keeps you binge watching. However, I kept cringing on the scene. What kind of spy show is this? Here are the problems.

1. You are a nobody in a stranger land and yet you could walk into a notorious gangster den to negotiate terms all by himself.

2. As a loner in narcos land, you could also negotiate terms and make demands with the most notorious narco boss. You can threaten to walk off a deal without worry of having your head blown off.

3. The first thing you do as a spy while living in a narcos den is to put a picture of you and your family next to your bed. Probably this is the best way to introduce your family to the narcos in case things don't go as planned.

4. As a spy, you talk casually to your superior to report your activity and your next plot over the phone in the backyard, corridor or next to the pool and literally everywhere in the narcos compound. You also exchange text messages freely with your superior to tell him your plots.

5. Your superior will also call and text message you casually at any time to tell you his plan and plots to capture the narcos.

6. As the guest with untrusted background living in a narco compound, you can freely take his car, drive to his enemy den, make deals behind his back, and discuss plots to take down the narcos without raising suspicion. The narcos also would care less to monitor your activity although you are an untrusted new business partner.

7. As an unknown, untrusted business partner, to show you are in control, you would do a very disgusting spit in front of the narcos boss.

All these unbelievable plots are spoiling the show with an interesting backstory.
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