Poorly researched documentary
29 September 2022
Long story short.... Positiv
  • first time I heard the real voice of RC :0)


  • Retail investors are portrayed as idiots
  • Nothing about FTDs (as far as I remember)
  • Nothing about DRS movement
  • Nothing about the DTC split fraud
  • Nothing about the extensive written DDs and research on Reddit Superstonk
  • Nothing about the Subreddit Superstonk
  • DFV was portrayed as a calculated stock market gambler - from my point of view
  • Nothing about Dr. T. "N..., short and Greedy: WS failure to deliver"
  • To much about the RH guys :0)
  • Nothing about the scope of GameStop reorganization and restructurization

Finally, the documentary is made to tell the viewers that it was a one-time story, that it is over and you should stay away from it. There were still some retail investors shown, who have lost a lot of money.....Status today. But I think they were all hodlers ;0) I can't say when the series was produced, but a lot of important information is just missing. Probably so wanted or just not up to date?
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