Intentionally Misleading
29 September 2022
This movie attempts to paint independent retail investors (average people) as traders coordinating to destroy the market. It ignores the fact that hedge funds and market makers continue to exploit loopholes to defraud retail investors of billions of dollars, while destroying legitimate companies (such as through death spiral financing, cellar-boxing, and under-reported swaps). These are the same people responsible for the Great Financial Crisis, using the same tricks, because they were never held accountable. Instead, average people were made to bail them out.

The movie conveniently neglects to mention that this is an ongoing situation in which the "big fish" are still trapped, and that leads to the goal of the whole "documentary": To mislead you into thinking that the whole "GameStop Saga" has concluded. It hasn't. That's what the GME movement is about: Register your shares in your name and prove that Wall Street has produced counterfeit shares.

See drsgme . Org.
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