Corrupt power
30 September 2022
Season 17 was an inconsistent season but was also a watchable one. When it comes to the previous episodes, there were some disappointments such as "A Misunderstanding", "Maternal Instincts" and "Melancholy Pursuit". Yet there were also some truly great ones like "Institutional Fail", "Collateral Damages" and "Unholiest Alliance". 'Law and Order: Special Victims Unit' has always varied with its season finales, but there are some wonderful ones.

Of which the two part finale "Intersecting Lives"/"Heartfelt Passages" is one of the best. The former getting the slight edge as the better episode. When it comes to giving an award for the best episode of the season, it has got to be "Intersecting Lives". Though "Heartfelt Passages" did come extremely close and would have gotten my vote if Barba's subplot was stronger. "Intersecting Lives" is Season 17 at its most tense and powerful.

"Intersecting Lives" looks good, with the usual slickness and subtle grit. Really liked too that the photography was simple and close up but doing so without being claustrophobic. The music has presence when used, and luckily it isn't constant, and when it is used it doesn't feel over-scored. The direction allows the drama to breathe while still giving it momentum as well.

The script is one of the most intelligent and tautest of the season, no corn, melodrama or triteness in sight and Brad Garrett's dialogue later on chills. The story pulls no punches, has genuine tension and even when setting things up for the events in "Heartfelt Passages" it unsettles and doesn't come over as too predictable. Corruption is a familiar topic for the franchise, but you wouldn't think that watching the episode. The topic is hard hitting and sadly still relevant, its treatment here is uncompromising and suspenseful.

All the regulars are excellent. Best of all is a genuinely scary Garrett, as the scariest and most disgusting character he has ever played and one that is among the most disgusting in 'Special Victims Unit' history (and boy does he have truly stiff competition).

Concluding, outstanding. 10/10.
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