The X-Files: Empedocles (2001)
Season 8, Episode 17
Great episode.
30 September 2022
A man is fired from his job, and after witnessing a horrendous car accident, he walks back into his former place of work, and kills the two executives that terminated his contract.

7.1? Seriously, I thought this episode was absolutely phenomenal, I loved it. There's just so much content, so much going on. For me it felt like a hugely satisfying passing on of the baton.

Is it getting to the point where Mulder and Scully are being phased out, in favour of Doggett and Reyes? That's the way it seems to be heading. On the previous episode, I stated that I was concerned that Agent Doggett was being sidelined, I was wrong, his character and story are developed, with Mulder and Scully fitting in around him.

Nobody is sidelined here, all four Agents have a part to play, plus we get to see some super sweet moments between Mulder and Scully.

I loved that while concept about evil being something out there, and who knows, why are some people just bad? There was a terrific scene where Mulder and Doggett discussed the whole concept.

Some amazing special effects, the opening sequences were awesome, totally attention grabbing sequences.

Loved it, 9/10.
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