V/H/S/99 (2022)
Shockingly bad.
30 September 2022
I have no idea what the Bloody Disgusting team was thinking here. This was like a bad joke. There is nothing..not one thing..scary in this movie. If anyone says otherwise, they need their head checked. The segments are all cheap, creature features. I'm talking CHEAP and not a single segment even remotely based in reality. This feels like they took some rejected submissions to VHS 94, slapped them together, and went for cash grab.

I love found footage footage. As much as I didn't like Viral, I still really hoped it would do well so we would get more installments. I figured they'd rebound the next go round..and they did, at times. They've proven incapable of matching the quality of their first 2 but they still put out some solid segments. So, my vote was to keep them coming. A few good VHS stories are better than no VHS stories. I guess I still feel that way. If another comes, I'll check it out. If not, RIP. I doubt anybody cares at this point.
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