Blonde (2022)
The latest movie to exploit the memory of Marilyn Monroe.
30 September 2022
A series of disjointed fantasy sequences that really have nothing to do with the factual historical biography of Marilyn Monroe. I really didn't see the point of having Ana de Armas recreate so many of her movie scenes to prove she could impersonate Monroe. The script is dreadful and rather clunky and has her mother utter lines like 'This is the city of sand and nothing will endure' like a Bryn Mawr Sophomore with literary pretentions. Some of the arty black & white high contrast visuals are more reminiscent of a 90s pop video than the 1940s and there's a lot of visual gimmicks which becomes rather tiresome quickly. Overall, it's a rather joyless experience and Armas' Monroe spends most of her time in tears or on the verge of tears throughout. With a run time of close to three hours, I found myself caring less and less. With recent documentaries like Marilyn Reframed celebrating Monroe's tenacity and business acumen, Blonde is misery Monroe.
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