Farmhouse Fixer (2021– )
Was an eight after first season, now a six after second
1 October 2022
The first season I had my complaints, but overall enjoyed the show. The second season, though, seems like every episode is more than half-filled with fluff.

I'm glad he's happily married, I love his farm and his Mom, and that he tries new things. However....and that's a big HOWEVER...I want to see the construction, restoration, design and end result of the homes they renovate. I don't mind a little fluff, but now every show is chock-full of nothing but side excursions to his home, shopping, doing ridiculous crafts, phony meeting set ups in stores so the designer can then complain about "this is why I always shop alone." And other miscellaneous stuff I don't care to watch.

Please, please, please, drop most of the fluff. Just a little introduction at home before leaving to begin the reno part of the show works perfectly. Then show us the work being done, the progress and good, long shots of the end result.

Also, what is the deal with the costs this show projects. I cannot fathom the work they do costing this much. It must all go towards having "Jonathan Knight" renovate your home, so you can say he did. Otherwise, where the heck is this money going?!!

And lastly, please tell the designer to chill a bit. I'm not a fan of a lot of her designs, but most of the homeowners seem to love them, so they're getting what they wanted. But she is so loud and obnoxious; I get the feeling she's nervous to be on TV and is over-acting, trying to be extra funny to hide that fact. Maybe have her work with someone to calm her down before the director calls "Action!".

I really hope, if they stay on air, they'll seriously listen to viewers and fix some of these things. I see a lot of people have complained about the designs and the designer, as well as the fluff. I see some questions about cost as well, but I don't see that changing. Although I cannot imagine where that money is going except into Jonathan Knight's pocket.

Bottom line for me, if this show continues to be nothing but fluff, I see no reason to continue watching. Fast-forwarding thru most of a show to see a handful of quick, short images of results is not enjoyable viewing.
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