A best watch on OTT or on Television
1 October 2022
Too much of double meaning jokes or wannabe double meaning jokes.

The movie revolves around areas of Mysore and geographically stuck there. It has the same mannerisms of Jaggesh, shown in most of his movies which goes too much overboard. Tired of the forced comedy with forced back ground music to stimulate fake laughs at most places.

The story doesn't go around anywhere, the story is completely lost.

Another irritating part is the narrations by three characters which occupies the whole movie, with the religious preachings. It should have stopped somewhere.

There is one theme music for each character which is somewhat unique and well made.

The performance by Nanjamma and rangamma charecter is very good. But it is the repetitive mannerisms of Jaggesh and double meaning jokes (absolutely meaningless) has spoilt the movie.

Only one song is good, and a breath of fresh air comes after Dhananjay's entry. But by then it is too late, the movie ends by then stating about the next chapter.

Absolutely useless to waste your hard earned money to watch it in a theatre or a cinema. Watchable on OTT or Television.
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