Here We Go Again...
2 October 2022
At this point you'd half expect the producers and writers to finally come up with something original for the franchise at this point. The First movie wasnt at all breaking ground but its concept was interesting enough to want you to see it adapt and change as time went on, well here we are the forth movie in the franchise and they still refuse to deviate from the same old formula. Someone predicts event, event catches up to them, people die in over the top silliness. Death certainly has a sense of humour.

The acting in this movie is paint by numbers everyone just delivering the bare minimal, although the dialogue they had to work with doesn't do them any favours either. Most of the time you can probably predict the lines they are going to say.

The special effects which were meant to be for 3D at the time, are horrible, if you are watching this not realising that fact then you'd think the Jaws 3D team worked on the effects here.

The stars themselves I am sure are trying their best but are all so vanilla, or unlikable, the main star is forgettable, and the other cast members I barely remember their personalities, you might as well label them as 'fodder' for death. Would it be so hard to create characters to care about so when their death happens you can at least feel a bit of intensity and want them to live. But their main purpose is to die. You don't even care about them enough to want them to die either. Expect maybe the racist guy, but even he is so generic.

One of things one can always count on is the. Gore and the interesting ways people die, very much like Saw with the bonkers and gruesome ways they manage to kill people. Well not here in this movie, all the deaths are bland and leave much to be imagined, I hardly believe there was about as much thought put into this as there was the script itself. Except maybe the pool scene but even that comes across as hilarious.

I suppose the best thing I can say about this addition to the franchise is that if you get a few friends together and want a laugh then this movie is for you, because it does have an aura of a 'so bad its good' vibe to it, you can look at it as kind of a comedy and make fun of it. But if you are expecting this to be some scary gruesome movie with something new and fresh then you are going to be disappointed.

As we know from the point of my review this wasnt the Final Destination for the franchise and I kind of wished it was.
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