Review of Lockdown

The Walking Dead: Lockdown (2022)
Season 11, Episode 17
Good, but still not great
3 October 2022
I'll admit, my expectations were low. The final season had had some great episodes but has fell pretty flat sometimes too.

This episode was action-packed and fast-paced, and its great to see the Commonwealth story coming to an end soon. It leaves the door open for more fresh, new story not from the comics. Daryl and Negan teamed up, which is great to see but I wish we had gotten it sooner! There was also plenty of blood and gore, which is what we love.

That being said, there were still many eye-roll moments, as is typical of TWD.

The Commonwealth soldiers have pinpoint accuracy against walkers but not the main characters, of course. Daryl got shot at like 100 times this episode, and never even looked like he might get hit. HIs invincibility is getting out of hand. Not only is he bullet-proof but apparently head-on car crashes don't even phase him.

Also, for the love of God, stop baiting us with flashbacks of Rick. It seems pretty clear that he won't show up until the spin-off, so it bothers me that the main series is still baiting us with the hope that Rick will show up.

Also, Lance is not a great villain. He was useless in this episode, and all he does is get ambushed and shot up by the main characters without ever achieving anything. Its a bit of a waste of a great actor and an interesting character, he just seems like a cartoon villain now. So do the Commonwealth soldiers.

However, we got some more Negan scenes. I don't care what he does, but everytime that man is on screen I am excited. We really need to see more of him.

All that being said, it was a promising start and I really hope they keep it up, but I doubt it. TWD always starts strong and then loses steam in the middle.
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