Well-done documentary although to see the state of the world is depressing
3 October 2022
Especially those nations outside the G7 - seems there is vast poverty and a lot of cultural problems outside of poverty driving crime. It is almost to the point in some areas where one can see why the deluge was thought the only sensible option. While I applaud the host Raphael Rowe (I am unfamiliar with any other host for this series, although some have said there was one) for having the courage to enter these prisons, the content, after even a couple of episodes, notably after his "visits" to Paraguay, Manila and Lesotho - is just too depressing. The viewer is left thinking the situation hopeless - so the show needs to provide some hope in the way of what, outside of something extreme like a wipe out or flood, could solve these issues. To me, cultural change begins with educating the next generation (some call it social engineering - but done for the better in this case). However, since there is such an inequal distribution of the world's wealth, it seems that trying to re-educate and simply have the children become adults within these countries will produce only more of same.
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