Is there something wrong with me?
3 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I mean really? Is there?

Cause almost everything I've watched lately I've either hated or thought 'meh' ... yet so many other folks are 10/10 everything.

Animation wise this is good ... but it's anime we all expect that.

Music was great too. That was the reason I kept watching actually and I was disappointed that it was regulated to mere background ambiance in the last few episodes. Did they run out of original songs? Shame cause I was hanging for more.

As far as story. Nothing special. Very generic. But I can live with that. But what makes a classic story rock are the characters and their interactions.

David was your classic ambitious youth MC --- boring AF, in that regards they picked his voice over artist perfectly, because he was more monotone then me (and I'm friggin monotone, trust me!) The other voice actors range between likeable to good. But the characters are all your stereotypical toons. There was nothing in it for me.

The break neck speed of everything means I didn't feel for anyone, and the cyberpsycho theme seemed to sudden and rushed. I feel like most of the citizens of Night City should've gone crazy by now. The entire show is just one big jacked up rush job. We sped too far through too quickly for me to care about anyone in it and think their decisions were believable. (except David's mum that is)

I don't know. Maybe I should see a doctor and get some depression meds or something, cause I felt nothing throughout all that.
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