Review of Awaydays

Awaydays (2009)
Utter Rubbish
3 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Tranmere Rovers hardest firm but in the first fight scene and just before it when they get off the train, one of the "pack" is about 12 and another no more than 10. When they come up against the other hooks who are all grown men and look like absolute nutters the 12 year old has disappeared and the 10 year old and his mates run towards the enemy who all run away. Ridiculous.

The main character "Carty" is wearing Dunlop Green Flash (definitely the "wrong" trainers) in one scene, a couple of scenes later he's in Adidas Samba and is told, "they're the wrong trainers" (they definitely aren't) then back into dunlop in the next scene.

When they're playing pool, supposedly in 1979 they're playing with red and yellow balls instead of spots and stripes when that all we had back then.

What was the utterly out of place pulling and sex scene about? Made no sense at all. Just in there for the sake of It.

Carty is involved in one fight then his dad tells him, "you're getting a bad reputation" eh? Why??

In the next scene when they're going for a fight, stephen graham throws coffee in a coppers face and they all start fighting the coppers. That would *never* happen, *EVER*. No firm ever attacked the police like that. You'd all just get locked away for a very long time. Oh and of course, the 10 year olds first in against the coppers too, sigh.

They refer to the other lot as woolly backs but they've travelled to them. Woolybacks are people who travel in to Liverpool.

When they get at the "woolybacks" of course they're fighting the police as well. Nope. And the police at the station were expecting them and left the home mob unpoliced. LoL.

Whats with Elvis and his long green woolly scarf? The rest of the firm would find out about that and extract the urine mercilessly. Elvis and his shoe gazing? Utter dross.

At the oub scene after the second fight, everyones cleaned themselves up, as they would. Except the lad at the bar who the girl approached who is still covered in blood. And there's no chance she'd mug him off like that without him attacking her or more likely all the lads tearing him a new one.

Nice to see vera Duckworth making an appearance on the bus. Nobody smoking upstairs on the bus, though? Weird!

The third fight, they call wolves hools sheep shaggers, that's Derby, not Wolves. And why are some of the Wolves hools dressed in lab coats??

He'd never chin Carty like that for that, not til afterwards anyway.

In the pub scene near the end. There would be no chatter. They'd be straight in and on them. No messing about. And the "rugger buggers" wouldn't just stand there either. They'd at least put up a fight.

The murderer at the funeral? The other lads would've lynched him, quite literally.

Weird homosexual overtones from Elvis throughout the film too. What was that all about? There was literally no point to it. At least, it made no sense at all during the film, maybe it did in the book?

Elvis is bizarrely functional after chasing, every time. He'd be passed out.

Last time they get off the train and walk along the platform, the three kids on the right added together only add up to about 20 years old. Could they really not find any late teens or early 20 somethings for this?? And if not, they'd have been better leaving them out altogether, they look ludicrous. Of course they come up against another load of *men* actual, grown ups and of *course* they batter them. Yawn. It all just looks stupid, completely unbelievable. Oh and when Carty gets "slashed"? The slasher has the blade the wrong way round... Being slashed with a Stanley knife feels like being punched. It leaves a razor thin cut, not a fingers width tomato sauce smear. It takes a few moments to bleed. You wouldn't even know it had happened til you felt the wetness on your face. And the slasher not only wouldn't do that to one of his own in that place, he wouldn't be there to do it either, as I said after the funeral scene.

The featured reviewer waxing lyrical about this being a mature memoir has clearly never had a punch in the face or witnessed football hooliganism first hand. Their review is an utter load of old bollocks.doesn't even get the year right, it's 1979, not 1978.

Steer clear of this stinker of a film and watch The Firm starring Gary Oldman if you want something approaching realism.

The three stars are for the soundtrack by the way.
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