Review of Andor

Andor (2022– )
Finally! I'm excited about Star Wars again!
4 October 2022
In the 70's I queued like every other kid to see Star Wars. I'm of that generation who grew up with it, it was always present in our lives and some say, shaped our generation's whole attitude and outlook. The soul-crushing disappointment of Jarjar and the prequels is part of the reason we're so cynical - and why, I've never been excited about any Star Wars movie or spinoff since. Like other fans my age I curbed my enthusiasm to avoid another terrible flop. And up until now, that was the right approach. There HAVE been moments - some of the cartoons had some interesting new characters and ideas. Some of the movies had good visuals. And as Disney cranked up the money-making machine, we've had no shortage of Star Wars content. But so far, nothing has come close to the original 3 movies. They just don't feel as grounded, the stories and the characters don't ring true. Mandolorian looked like it might be close (and apparently the kids like it) but for original fans, it fell short. The sets looked like hokey spaghetti westerns with hapless extras just milling around. Yes, I get that the directors were giving a nod to westerns, but maybe just stick to doing Star Wars well first? The story was lackluster, the characters were flat and it's hard to connect emotionally with a helmet. Plus the transparent addition of the overly cutesy 'Baby Yoda' thing was pure marketing and actually kind-of offensive. Anyway, I could go on but enough bellyaching about the failures.

Finally, Andor is the TV series fans have been waiting for. The story takes unexpected twists (just like real life!), it's affected by characters who feel real and react with real human emotions, and it's set in a world that feels gritty, purposeful and grounded in reality. People are doing things, going places, and have purpose. It's dirty and crowded and things are there for logical reasons - not just to pad out the set. When Bix is rushing through the town, she has to push past people, and even quickly acknowledges someone she knows (which in a town that size, of course she would). It's these little details that make this Star Wars feel genuine - and so unlike the stagey nonsense in Mando and Obi-Wan. Basters look - and sound dangerous. The action scenes don't feel staged or contrived. Is it perfect? Well, no. But I'm just 3 episodes in, and for the first time in 40 years, I actually want to know what happens next. For the first time in 40 years I've let myself get excited for the rest of the series - and the prospect of more, perhaps even better ones, to come. I feel like that 6 year old kid again, reliving scenes, talking about it with friends, and once more enjoying the anticipation of the next adventure in a galaxy far, far way.
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