Slowburning, well acted crime drama, which is lacking in a balanced direction.
4 October 2022
The bad: this movie just wont get going, because nothing much happens in the first hour, besides several lovey dovey quarrels between a young couple that is on the run.

After an hour suddenly there is a very violent (and gross) scene with body mutilation and hanging, which doesnt fit the mood of the rest of the movie. And it does end bloody as well.

But in between these 2 outbursts of violence this story is kinda tedious to be honest. The actors are good, but the direction of this movie is somehow unbalanced. It's often way too slow and when there is some action, it is way too much and way too gross.

Not any good at all? It's probably best suited for an arthouse movie audience that does have the patience AND the resilience to stumach 2 very violent torture scenes.
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