Centervagt (2021)
4 October 2022
The actors, the real life drama, the fun.... WAUW!!!

DO NOT LISTEN TO ANGRY PEOPLE AND HATERS..... This film is a New high, in comedy!! Thesr Guys put there aLL in to this movie, there are no short cuts its right down to real deal as you can come, when you make a comedy...!

I have alias loved danish movies in generel no matter if its horror, drama, socialrealism, war, indy, crime or comedy... But with this on i think the danens have done it again.

I have never laught so Hard and so lang in my life.... ofcaus there are subtiles, but it fells like to me that they get pretty good.... If you miss a really good LOL... DO NOT MISS THIS!

*** *** *** PLease Dont miss it.
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