Review of A New Deal

The Walking Dead: A New Deal (2022)
Season 11, Episode 18
Why am I watching this?
6 October 2022
Six hundred words on this limping lame duck of a show, dragged down from it's once edgy and interesting perch by bad budgeting, slipping all that profit into cameras and lights and not into script, although to be fair, the script was never that amazing.

Why am I watching this? Is the question everyone is asking themselves, and the answer is wishful thinking and force of habit, just like the zombies we keep coming back to what used to be reasonably fertile ground for entertainment and we keep getting served cold porridge and we still think things are going to change back to how they were. Kang is a terrible show runner. Watching her over explain her lame scripts is just painful. All smoke and mirrors as she phones in her segments for authenticity.

Do yourself a favor and seek out better shows, this one is dead. Try Mr Inbetween, and Severance. 2 of the best shows from the last 3 years. There is still good TV being made, just not this show.
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