Upstairs, Downstairs: The Swedish Tiger (1972)
Season 1, Episode 11
Whaddya, kiddin' me?
6 October 2022
Bad ersatz Oscar Wilde.

Performed badly.

By actors who don't believe in it any more than we do, since they are not asked to portray anything even remotely resembling actual human beings.

Sarah is the only sign of life from beginning to end of this tedious would-be comedic farce, and does her best to "make it go" -- but in vain: Her character has been so bent out of shape by the script that it's a wonder they ever let her back on the show.

Same with James and Elizabeth; Liz actually coming off worse than her brother, since you can at least imagine an amusing evening in his company -- away from the house, of course -- while Sis is so unutterably self-righteous and priggish that you wouldn't want her in your bed if she showed up buck naked with a bottle of fine Schnapps.

Down the Memory Hole with it ... and quickly, too.
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