Review of Tell Me Lies

Tell Me Lies (2022– )
Weak writing, annoying and unwatchable
6 October 2022
Ridiculously weak writing and the two main characters are played by unbelievably annoying actors. There is nothing to draw you in and keep you watching. It's just bad dialogue, gratuitous sex scenes and most actors that look way older than 18-21 range they should be for college. Maybe the book was better but I haven't read it yet. I assume we are supposed to be captivated by Lucy & Stephen's relationship but I really just want to know more about the other characters like Bree & Pippa. Lucy & Stephen deserve each other and don't need another minute of screen time because oddly enough I wish the show wasn't even about them, I wish they would just go away. Stephen is particularly irritating but Lucy is just as bad.
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