The Walking Dead: Lockdown (2022)
Season 11, Episode 17
Action packed like 11x01 & 11x09, with the Commonwealth War plot finally moving forward.
7 October 2022
We are in the final stretch now. The last batch of episodes for The Walking Dead. The beginning of the end... and honestly, this was pretty damn great.

This feels like a final season finally. The new intro adds a lot, and so does the general scope and tone. The pace is thankfully different from Season 11B.

We get some amazing action here. Daryl and co. Fighting troops was super exciting, and so was Mercer and Rosita battling the horde. We also got a lot of really badass kills with some awesome teamwork from Negan and Daryl.

It's so satisfying to see that no matter how well-armed the troops are, they're no match for our much more experienced group.

Finally having the riots back at the Commonwealth advances the plot and adds a lot of necessary tension to make this feel like a big final storyline. We get so much more of Pamela, and seeing her try to defend the Milton name is compelling.

Another great addition to this episode is Negan meeting Commonwealth characters. His sly nature and Mercer's stonecoldness are a great contrast. I hope we get more of them together. I love that Mercer is learning that bending the rules is what's gonna keep the Commonwealth standing. Negan meeting Sebastian was arguably even cooler. Having these two interact is long overdue.

Carol and Jerry hiding the kids from Lance's people adds even more thrill. I was genuinely frightened for them throughout. Part of what makes Commonwealth so interesting is seeing out group handle these sticky situations without just killing.

The troops tear-gassing the citizens builds up this divisions between the people and the government. S*** is finally hitting the fan within the Commonwealth, not just outside its walls!

It's fantastic to see Negan and Carol reunite. Both their chemistry and Daryl and Maggie's is making it sink in how much I'll mist seeing them all together. Fantastic premiere, and one of the best episodes of the season.
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