Iceman (2017)
7 October 2022
A reasonable film, which certainly beat a previous film of a similar subject that I watched recently. The scenery in this was spectacular, and for that alone, it is worth a watch. The costumes were believable as was the sets, they were so good I could almost smell them (stinky!) Slightly slow start, but that seemed to take the watcher into the age, there was little in the way of dialogue, unless you understand an ancient language. Soon though the gory bit began, and gory indeed it was.

Shortly later the film, in my mind became a little tedious, along with a bit of guess work due to the lack of dialogue. But picked up again in time for an ending to fit in with the real life find of an ancient man in the mountains. Most likely none of this was his real story, but it all fitted, and gave an insight into living in those days, which would have been a pretty grim if short life.
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