8 October 2022
This was a good movie. I don't understand the low ratings at all. I think the lower ratings are very misleading. This movie is good. While it isn't as good as the first and second movie in terms of development and plot and and storyline, it is a jeepers creepers movie. I like the angle that they use based on the location being in Louisiana they do stay true to that area and I like the lead characters I like the supporting characters I think it works well. I did like the jeepers creepers with the high school team in the bus and then getting picked off one by one that was cool. This one was kind of in the same vein, but it had a lot of modern elements to it. And included cosplay and included raves I guess and it was kind of you know around the Halloween dress up theme. I think if you're looking for something entertaining to watch and you have a little bit of time to watch it because the movie is not that long. I think the movie could have been another 30 minutes longer but That's not really a big deal. There was something at the end of the movie that I have questions about which wasn't answered and I think that's the only flaw that I really found but you know it has elements of Sex appeal in there which is nice, and the creeper is pretty much the same as he was in the first couple movies. It is definitely better than the third one in my opinion , so don't not watch this movie based on the bad reviews see it for yourself have fun with it because it's better than a bunch of horror movies that are out there on Amazon, prime and Netflix.
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