Review of Showtime

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Showtime (2003)
Season 7, Episode 11
When little, if anything at all, needs to be said.
8 October 2022
Obviously, every next episode is a continuation of what was before, and a little part of the big picture, but some are more than that. Occasionally, two episodes in a row would easily stand out as one story way too big for forty minutes, and that is why it takes two times that runtime to tell. Sometimes they would even have that "Part 1" and "Part 2" subtitle, and sometimes they wouldn't, like "Surprise" and "Innocence" on season two. The same goes for "Bring on the Night" and "Showtime" here. Things have been building up on season seven, and they have reached the point where something has to be dealt with as soon as possible but cannot be dealt with during just one episode, so it takes two. That's just how serious it gets here.

"Showtime" is a story about a hero going up against an extremely powerful opponent under unfortunate circumstances. The opponent is physically stronger, and there is too much to think of for the hero, a lot more than just their own life to keep in this fight. And it isn't just about life or death in the fight, there is also the spirits to take care of. A message has to be sent now. Both to the rest of the good guys and to all of the bad guys, and that message could be about how the good shouldn't panic because the devil may not be as black as some would have you believe after all. Everybody is vulnerable.

Also, like the previous one, "Showtime" isn't just strong on its own, it is important for the whole show, not just this one season here, the show in general, and things could be coming full circle soon enough. Not to mention the story of Buffy and Spike here. In a way, "Showtime" is a mirror to "Fool for Love" from season five. But that would be a matter of going a little more into detail than required.
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