Lonelyhearts (1958)
Cinematic Parsley
9 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a tough one to get through. It's not anchored in a familiar locale. Is it a city? Small city? Roanoke? Hartford? Chattanooga? I kept looking for clues.

Then there's the Myrna Loy character. She hangs out in back alley pubs to pick up young men? Check. Her husband shows up and they all sit there drinking? Sure, why not?

And the husband! Played by Robert Ryan, this guy will not shut up. He just yips on and on about what a drag everything is, his wife is a cheating monster, where's the gin, yak yak yak. I was waiting for someone to throw a drink in his face. Or a chair at his head. I'm thinking Dore Shary wrote these monologues, because nobody would've had the guts to edit him.

And poor Montgomery Clift, cast here as a young career man just starting out. He was in his late thirties, and an auto accident had accelerated the aging of his appearance. He's in some sort of relationship with a woman who appears to be married to a group of men and boys. Or maybe she's the sister? It was never made clear. She and Clift carry on like youthful lovers, but it's just not convincing.

And finally we have Maureen Stapleton as the drunken pludge.

Like I said, this is a tough film to get through. If I found myself interacting with any of these people in real life, I would be looking for a conversational escape hatch within minutes. Maybe I'll try to finish the movie tonight.
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